Psalm 95:6

Psalm 95:6

Let us kneel

This verse demands something that I would not have understood in the earlier years of my life. It asks us, firstly, to bow down in worship. Having been in Japan recently, it is not so onerous as you might imagine! Everyone there bows their head to colleagues, friends and total strangers; it is a form of respectful acknowledgement, a way of saying “thank you” without words, a recognition of the deference that another human being is due. Some denominational church members still bow to an altar or to a cross, I’m sure that many do that out of reverence and not just habit. For us all, an attitude of reverence is important when we are in the presence of the Lord, sometimes the shouts and the noise of the earlier verses of the Psalm need to be exchanged for respectful silence and acknowledgement that we are in the presence of One far greater than ourselves. 

But we are encouraged to go further, to kneel in submission and complete humility before the Lord our Maker. To kneel for prayer is a worthy practice if it is a confession of submission to our God, it says more than just words, it expresses an attitude. To submit to God is not just about an occasional bended knee however, it is about giving Him honour in all things, about recognising His power and His presence in every situation. It means that we see Him at work both privately and publicly in all that happens. It means that we discern the hand of God in all circumstances, even those that seem to be working against us. It is about complete and total dependence. That’s the word I have struggled with all my life, dependence. Dependence on the One who is my Maker, my Creator, my King and my God who is worthy of my complete submission. Hallelujah!



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