Psalm 95:4-5

Psalm 95:4-5

It's all His, He made it!

To the ancient mind the world was a mysterious place, so much of it was unexplored and so many places were beyond the reach of men. It was impossible to plumb the depths of the oceans or to imagine being able to swim deep beneath them. No one understood the moods of the tides or what lay beyond the vast horizons. The Mediterranean Sea was one thing but the Indian Ocean another. It’s not clear if, at the time of writing, anyone in the civilised world had even set eyes on the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans! 

And then there was the earth beneath; how deep was it? What lay beneath the feet of men? In truth we still don’t know! The mountains of the north and the east towered over the peoples who lived in their shadows, but few dared to climb them, and no one had the equipment or the expertise to tackle the greatest heights. So, our Psalm writer does not pretend to understand the vastness of all of this, nor does he claim that it was possible to calculate the heights, the depths or the distances that characterised the vastness of the planet, instead he was content to say that the Lord God was in it all: -

·      In His hands are the depths of the earth

·      The mountain peaks belong to Him

·      The sea is His, for He made it

·      His hands formed the dry land

It would do us no harm this day, to give the Lord credit for all that He has made and to accept that this beautiful earth still belongs to Him, despite the fact that man has claimed most of it and made it his own! 


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