Psalm 95:2

Psalm 95:2

Thanksgiving, music and song

I think there must be an order to the methods of praise and worship that are highlighted in the opening two verses of this Psalm?

·      Let us sing for joy to the Lord

·      Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation

·      Let us come before Him with thanksgiving

·      Let us extol (exalt) Him with music and song

Whatever the context, it is not a quiet celebration, is it? There’s shouting, singing and music and joyful thanksgiving and what is the purpose of all of this?

·      It is to exalt or extol the Lord. 

·      It is to elevate Him to the Highest place. 

·      It is to give Him the glory that is fit for the King of Kings and the God above all gods. 

·      It is to recognise our dependency and humility in contrast to His greatness and might. 

·      It is to acknowledge that He is above all and in all, that life and death and everything in between comes from Him. 

·      It is to praise the One who made us and who guides and guards us until He is ready to take us to His home. 

May our times of corporate praise give Him the honour that He is due.

May our personal and private worship, exalt Him for all that He is to us. Hallelujah!



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