Psalm 95:11

Psalm 95:11

Let's enter His rest

This is a fierce and brutal end to what, in many ways, has been an uplifting Psalm. It is quite clear that the Promised Land was to be God’s place of rest for His people. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 gives details of the blessings that would come upon the people if they obeyed and served the Lord God faithfully in that land. They would produce descendants and their livestock would flourish and be healthy. The wilderness would bud and flower. Rains would come and go with the seasons. Their enemies would be defeated and there would be peace in the land. They would never be in debt, and they would be God’s holy people before all nations. Such is the land of God’s rest. To attain such blessings, they must be a people who obeyed the Lord and who lived by faith in His provision and also those who stopped their labours for 1 day each week and gave thanks to the Lord. Yes, they must work hard and obey the God’s commandments, but the blessings that ensued would not be earned, instead they would be poured out from heaven.

The place of our rest is not earned, but we will discover that if we turn our hands in obedience to God’s service, then our land will be blessed, and His provision will be poured down upon us. In God’s kingdom, work is faithful and obedient service. We are no longer lords of our own destinies; we rest by submitting to Him and to His guidance. We rest when we allow Him to be the source of blessing instead of working for it our way. We rest when we take time to stop all our labours and just enjoy the blessings of the Lord. Maybe 1 day a week? Those who walk in disobedience and unbelief and who seek their own welfare and selfish goals will never enter God’s rest. 


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