Psalm 95:10

Psalm 95:10

Their hearts go astray

This verse should send a shudder through us. Would God abandon us for 40 years for going astray and abandoning His ways? Much of this Psalm is repeated in Hebrews 3:7-11 and the writer of that New Testament book seems to have no doubt that unbelief can still cut us off from God’s blessings, as he goes on to say in verses 12-19 where we are exhorted to not copy Israel’s example, “See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage on another daily, as long as it is called “Today”, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”  

In Israel’s case unbelief led to disobedience and to rebellion which themselves led to 40 years of misery and the postponement of their arrival in the Land of Promise. Unbelief – disobedience – disinheritance. Hebrews 4 goes on to explain that although we do not have an earthly land for our inheritance, we do have a Sabbath rest to enjoy. That is our Promised Land.  In verse 9-11 we are told that the rest we are to enter is to rest from our own works. In other words, any attempt to earn our own salvation, to do God’s work in our own strength, to refuse dependence on Him, to try to earn our way to heaven, to be in control of our own destinies is to rebel! He asks us to believe and obey and then we will enter His rest. How many have been consigned to the spiritual wilderness because they have refused to believe, even though they claim to know Christ? Take heed!



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