Psalm 95:1

Psalm 95:1

A call to corporate worship

Imagine yourself at the entrance to the Temple at the time when its ceremonies and rituals were respected and obeyed by the nation of Israel. A great throng has gathered, called from the farthest corners of the land, eager and yet respectful as they draw close to the dwelling place of Almighty God. A Priest or a Levite addresses the crowd and reminds everyone that they have come to worship but also to remember that this is a solemn duty as well as a joyful one. The Priest reminds the Israelites that they have a history of rebellion and that their God has, at times, been forced to display His anger. Those who are listening bow their heads and recall that their God is not to be taken for granted or to be treated lightly. Their joyful worship is now tainted by a deeper respect and their voices are hushed as they enter His courts. This is the backdrop to Psalm 95.

V1        As we have noted in earlier Psalms, there are a number of Hebrew words for “rock”. In this instance the word used describes a fortress, a strong place, a building that withstands the attacks of enemies and offers safety to all who dwell within its walls. The people who are gathering to worship in Jerusalem come with their songs of joy. Music is played by the Levite musicians, and the Temple choir sings praises to the Lord. The assembled crowd joins in and their shouts and exclamations of gladness echo from the walls of the buildings. “God is our fortress. The Lord is our salvation.”

Where would we be if the Lord did not protect and guard us? What would life mean if He had not procured our salvation? How would we survive without hope and His protection? How is it possible to live this life on earth without Him? Surely there are many good reasons to praise and worship Him and if the football crowds can shout aloud their praises, why shouldn’t we? 



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