Psalm 94:23

Psalm 94:23

He will destroy them

This Psalm ends on a sobering note. I’m not sure if our view of our enemies should be to wish destruction upon them? In truth, Jesus told us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. That word of wisdom should be our guiding principle, we are not the judges of the wicked. We may hate their lies, their greed, their abuse of our fellow men. We may hate their blasphemies, their rebellion, their constant attacks upon our faith and our God but, at the end of the day, we are not appointed to make the final decisions about their perverted behaviour, their acts of violence and the rest of it. Absolute justice is founded on absolute righteousness and only God can be the final arbiter in these things. 

He will repay the wicked for their sins, because He alone knows the full extent of their wickedness and also, He alone will know if they will die unrepentant. Imagine if we were to exact vengeance and then be reprimanded by the Lord, “Why did you do that? That one whom you have punished, was destined to come to faith and to renounce their evil, but you have removed that option from them.” 

The truly wicked who will never turn back in repentance, they will die in their sins and their ultimate punishment and destruction is in God’s hands, not ours. And He will destroy them! Justice will be done; they cannot escape His punishment. That is the solemn conclusion of the writer of Psalm 94.


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