Psalm 94:22

Psalm 94:22

My fortress and my rock

“The Lord has become …..” I’m not saying that it always the case but, generally speaking, younger men and women can find it very hard to make the Lord their fortress and their rock. The energy, passion, strength and optimism of youth often leads the young to believe that they can conquer all and that nothing is too hard for them. The real troubles and trials do not kick in for many until family and work responsibilities begin to mount up, even then it’s possible to carve out our own way, believing that we can overcome all obstacles. Experience and maturity prove this to be untrue, and if we have been walking with the Lord for many years, we will know that our dependence on Him grows daily. Only yesterday, I was talking to a group of older believers about the state of our world and the cultural changes that we find hard to accept and that seem to be a direct attack on the commandments and moral standards of our God. We all realised that we cannot fight the world, but also that we do not need to. The Lord is in charge, His ways are unfolding all around us, His will and purposes are being fulfilled. Why should we fight that? Instead, we depend on Him, trust in Him and seek to live lives of integrity, humility, dependence and faith, being fervent in prayer – until He comes. The Lord has become our fortress and our rock in whom we take refuge. The trials of life bring us closer to Him, to the shelter of His wings and the safety of His loving arms. In Him we are secure, and no one can take that away from us. Hallelujah!



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