Psalm 94:9

Psalm 94:9

He who hears and sees

This is a curious statement, it reminds us that the God who created us and gave us our senses is able to perceive everything that we do and much more besides. Of course He can. God hears, He hears the gentle drone of the Bumble Bee, He hears the roaring of the oceans, He hears the singing of the birds, and He most definitely hears the conversations of all men. He hears what goes on in the Board Rooms, in the Cabinet Meetings, in the International Conference Rooms, in the Oval Office and in the Kremlin. He hears the telephone conversations, and He hears the hushed tones of gossipers, the exchanges between lovers and the plots and schemes of conspirators. GOD HEARS IT ALL! His judgements will be based on every tiny detail of all that He has heard. Whenever we make a judgement about someone there is always information that has not been heard. No so with God.

God also sees. He sees the activity in creation. He sees every ship that crosses the oceans and every plane that crosses the skies. He sees every document that has ever been written and every text, email and online message that has ever been sent. He sees our “behind-closed-doors” secret activities and He sees the intentions of our hearts.

So, when the wicked think that “The Lord does not see, the God of Jacob takes no notice”, they could never be further from the truth. That is why they are “senseless fools” and the Lord will judge them using the complete evidence of every tiny detail of all that they have thought, said and done!


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