Psalm 94:8

Psalm 94:8

Senseless fools

Do you get angry at the state of our world? Do you grow increasingly frustrated as the evildoers prosper and arrogantly ignore the suffering of others? Do you seethe at the injustices and the unfairness of our institutions that fail to help the poor and the weak? Then this verse is for you, for you are among the wise. It is senseless fools who ignore the suffering of others as they promote themselves, they are fools who ignore God and practice evil with no fear of judgement. 

I read only yesterday about a group of top international businessmen who have been laundering billions on a worldwide scale but who are all renowned for their charitable giving! That is even worse than what is described in the Psalm for such people have an appearance of righteousness and compassion but use it as a cover for their evil activities.  Well, the Bible describes them as senseless fools and the One who is the author of the Bible, knows all their deeds and He will judge them without prejudice and with the scales of impeccable justice. 

By the way, when Jesus said that “If you call a brother or sister “raca” you will be in danger of the council, but if you call them a “fool” you will be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:22), He was referring to someone who misunderstand the Torah and is breaking God’s laws. The context is very different to the psalmist’s scenarios where the perpetrators of evil are not our brothers or sisters, and they count themselves outside of God’s laws. They are truly "fools."


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