Psalm 94:7

Psalm 94:7

The Lord does not see

The accusations in this Psalm are not aimed at those who commit a crime in a fit of pique or at the sinners who break the rules out of desperation or despair. No, the finger is being pointed at those who callously use and abuse their fellow men for their own gain, those who knowingly engage in evil practices to exalt themselves and their status, who treat others like mere pawns and who gloat in their riches and their infamy. Such men and women are not so hardened that they do not understand that what they are doing is wrong, no, they suppress the truth with lies, they wrap themselves in a cloak of arrogance and they believe themselves to be above the laws that guide the rest of us. At some point in their lives, these evildoers have dismissed the idea that God is watching, they deride any belief in Him, and they have convinced themselves that He does not see them for He does not exist in their world. The fact that they can “get away with it” justifies their beliefs and drives them to even greater excesses.

The writer of Psalm 94 had seen this scenario unfold at first hand, in his world, Israel or Jacob were the victims, and arrogant oppressors from surrounding nations had become the perpetrators of evil. In the minds of the wicked they could do as they liked to the sons of Jacob because Elohim Elyon simply did not respond and help His people. Once gain the writer is seeking to stir God into action, “If this is what our enemies think, then what are we supposed to think?! Where are You? Why are You not responding to their injustices?” 

Maybe we need to be bold enough to ask these questions when evil is prevailing around us? God is watching. May we never forget that He does see what is going on and, by faith may we believe that He will respond. The wicked will not always have their way. 


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