Psalm 94:4

Psalm 94:4

Arrogant words

Continuing from verse 8, we get an insight here into the behaviour patterns of the Jewish people as they made their many pilgrimages to the holy site of the Temple on Mount Zion. Yes, there was great joy and singing and celebration. Yes, there were feasts to observe and offerings to be brought to the priests. Yes, it was noisy, and the site was full of jostling crowds at times, but there were also opportunities to stop and reflect. “Within Your Temple, O God, we meditate on Your unfailing love.” These words were penned by the Sons of Korah – Levites who, even if they were not priests, may have had access to less crowded places in the Temple Courts, where it was possible to just stand and reflect. In particular to reflect on the amazing saving acts of God who had built a nation from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who had led His people in and out of Egypt and who had brought them to a land that He had promised long ago. Now, in the sanctuary of the Holy Place, where everything culminated, it was good to stand and be amazed at the unfailing love of such a God.

We should all take time to think about where we came from. Think about those ancestors in the faith who inspired you and guided you. Think about the times that the Lord has intervened on your journey and kept you safe. Meditate on His provision and how far on the journey you have come. Take time to revel in His unfailing love and to give thanks for all that He has done and that He has promised to do for you. Take time to do this today and often. Hallelujah!


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