Psalm 94:20

Psalm 94:20

Alliances with corrupt thrones

As we do not know the author of this Psalm it is a job for us to pinpoint when these words were written, who they were written by and who they were written to. Obviously, the enemies of the throne of Israel were looking to do some kind of deal, some kind of political arrangement had been put on the table, local leaders, or maybe the King himself, were being offered an alliance. The psalmist was horrified, how can a people who are led by a corrupt regime even dare to think that they can do deals with Israel who is led by God? 

Maybe the scenario is not the above. Maybe the writer believes that the rulers of Israel are corrupt and that they have no right to seek to align themselves with the Almighty who is pure and holy and above reproach? Maybe it is the throne of Israel that is bringing misery upon its people? Maybe there is corruption and injustice at the centre of the power structures in the land? There were certainly times when the country was ruled by despots, who had no time for God’s ways and His commands and who led the people away from Him.

This is a salutary lesson to us all, to everyone who claims to follow Jesus Christ and who walks in His ways. We cannot form alliances of any kind with those who are corrupt and who are pursuing goals that are ungodly. We are called to live a different way and any alliance with the world systems is bound to drive us to compromises. 



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