Psalm 94:2

Psalm 94:2

Pay back time for the proud

Most believers in Almighty God have a foundational belief in His creative powers, His omniscience, His grace and His mercy – the list is a long one! We all have our view of Him, based on experience, what we have been taught and what we understand from our limited perspective as human beings. Our understanding of this great Being is both subjective and objective and hopefully, we realise that He is far more than the sum of our ideas. Thus, we have to embrace some aspects of His Being that we would rather not embrace, one of these is that God is Judge of the earth. He sees every wrong and every right. He knows every injustice. He watches over the thoughts, words and actions of every living person and He makes His judgements accordingly. He is completely impartial, and His conclusions are perfectly just for He is able to interpret intentions as well as facts. In that way all men and women who have ever lived will get a fair trial when their day of reckoning comes. 

I would be terrified of how He might judge me if it were not for the fact that Yeshua has already borne my punishment, wouldn’t you? In this verse, the proud get a special mention as those who will receive the just reward for their deeds. The proud are those who put themselves up as gods, who think that they know better than God. They are the ones who dismiss the very existence of God and make their own rules and impose themselves on others for their own profit. This world is ruled by the proud and one day they will grovel at the feet of Him who is the Judge of the earth. Unfortunately for them, it will be too late to plead for His mercy. 


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