Psalm 94:19

Psalm 94:19

Anxiety v consolation

Have you had those periods I your life? Some of us are more susceptible than others. I went through a period of great anxiety when I was 30 years old. It started with intense tiredness after a period of over-working with no proper breaks or relaxation time. I know now, of course, that I broke God’s Commandments by not having a Sabbath! The physical breakdown turned into a mental breakdown and then the anxieties kicked in, many were completely irrational, but at the time they felt very real. The anxieties took a long time to retreat, I did not know how to fight them and so they hung around for a number of years. Thankfully, the Lord was with me at that time and gradually led me through the darkness until one day, I knew I was free. His freedom is permanent unless we have learned nothing from such experiences. And one of the great benefits is that you have to confront your emotions, both good and negative. The unlocking of those feelings allows us to grieve and to know sorrow but also to be elated. Today the consolation of the Lord brings tears of joy not of fear or sadness. Anxieties may pile up and try to knock us off course, but the joy of the Lord and the reassurance of His presence carries us through.

Our psalm writer had numerous reasons to be woeful and depressed, some of his feelings have been recorded in earlier verses, especially those caused by the oppression of his enemies. But he knew that God was with him, he knew that he was not alone, he knew that his prayers had been heard and thus he could respond with joy no matter how troubling the circumstances. Hallelujah! 



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