Psalm 94:18

Psalm 94:18

My foot is slipping!

The suffering and the sorrows of the afflicted are described here with an everyday analogy. We’ve all done it - many times. Stepped on the ice, slipped on a wet stone, walked on an uncertain surface, worn inappropriate footwear, scrambled up a slippery slope and maybe, trod on a banana skin! It’s probably the loose shale on a mountainside that is foremost in the writer’s mind, when an uncertain foothold is most dangerous, and the drop is life-threatening. He was about to be overwhelmed by circumstances, his own mental wellbeing was breaking up and his enemies were pressing in, keen to take advantage.

At this point someone bigger and greater stepped in and grabbed hold of our victim. Suddenly, his feet were on terra firma, strong arms enfolded him, and the baying cries of the enemy were silenced. Instead of sinking, He had been lifted up and He was safely embraced in arms of love. This was not a temporary relief; he knew that he was safe forever and that he would never return to the pit of desolation and despair. 

It's wonderful thing to experience the strong arms of the Lord around us and to know how precious and how loved we are. It is nothing short of miraculous when we look into His face, feel His gentle embrace and know that nothing and no one can harm us. Hallelujah!



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