Psalm 94:17

Psalm 94:17

The place of silence

As we have discovered, the ancient psalm writers had a profound understanding of life and death, of deep sorrow and suffering, but also of great joy and exhilaration. Their songs expressing human pain, are counterbalanced by wonderful anthems of praise and glory to God. Those who do not know God cannot experience the hope and anticipation that such knowledge brings. 

In this verse we are reminded that the journey into suffering and pain, be it physical, psychological or spiritual, is a journey into “the depths”, there is a literal sensation of falling, of an abyss that beckons and pulls us deeper still. The ultimate destiny of those who sink down and down, is Sheol, the place of the departed spirits. The ancients believed that this place housed the souls of the wicked in torment as well as being a silent waiting room for the righteous. Thus, the psalm writer admits that unless the Lord had intervened, he would have slipped into Sheol and the silence of death. 

It does us well to stop and ponder these scenarios for a moment. Few of us remain on a level plateau for very long, our emotions and our circumstances either have us slipping down or scrambling upwards. Dark is the day indeed when we find ourselves slipping helplessly into the depths. For those of us who believe, surely our journey is primarily upward, accompanied by the Songs of Zion, as we draw ever closer to the liberty and redemption that awaits us. May this day be one of ascent for you. Hallelujah!


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