Psalm 94:15

Psalm 94:15

Righteous judgement

We need to remember that the throne of God is a place of absolute justice and truth. There are no oversights or forgotten memories and no manipulation of the facts. God has no prejudices and no favourites; He does not change His mind, nor does He waver according to His mood. When He judges a situation or a person His conclusion is based on the absolute facts, on His perfect Law and it is pronounced from a heart that is holy and true. There will be no counterarguments or attempts to persuade leniency, no one else will interfere with His decisions and no defendant will be able to enter a plea of injustice or unfairness. That is what this verse means when it says that “Judgement will be founded in righteousness.” 

This will bring joy to the upright in heart, those who stand before God in innocence and who have been unjustly treated by men. The upright in heart are those who have sought to honour God and His commands but have been vilified and unjustly treated by the courts of the world. They have followed the way of righteousness and may plead their innocence as they stand before the Judge of the earth. 

It is good to know, as believers, that our sin and law-breaking has already been taken to court and punished, this is the wonder of our salvation for we know that we have been delivered from sin, freed from the death sentence and saved from eternal punishment, through Christ Jesus our advocate and our redeemer. Hallelujah!


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