Psalm 93:4

Psalm 93:4

Mightier than it all

As we have already seen, the thundering of the mighty oceans presented ancient peoples with a conundrum, the vastness of the mighty waters and their angry turbulence was outside of the control of men and turned the seas into an enigma. Who could control them? Who could determine their vastness or conquer the ferocity of their waves? Men stood and gasped at the thundering of the great waters and the breakers as they crashed on to the shore. No man dare be caught by their might, and no one was capable of building a vessel that could ride upon those waves. Thus, it was perfectly reasonable to attribute the power behind such a mighty force to the Lord God who clearly created these things and therefore must be mightier than they! Therefore, the thunder of the voice of the Lord was deemed to be greater than even the pounding of the chaotic waters. Psalm 104:7 captures this perfectly, “But at Your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of Your thunder they took to flight.” Obviously, this verse captures the moment when the Lord God took control of the waters, at creation, and brought peace and order by the power and authority of His voice. 

We have, to a great extent, conquered the oceans and the seas, they no longer hold fear for mankind, but they still have their moments. Storms rage, tsunamis arise, hurricanes turn the waters into fearsome tempests and man is reminded that he is fallible and weak against the powers of the created world. But, in common with our ancestors, we also know that the Lord on high is mightier than it all. Hallelujah! 


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