Psalm 93:1

Psalm 93:1

Celebrating the reign of the Lord

This brief Psalm reminds us all that the Lord God is in control, that His power and authority cannot be surrendered and that those who trust in Him have amazing hope for the future. Godless fools may live by violence and lies but our God stands firm in His truth and in His holiness. He is unassailable in His strength and because He created the world, the world will always be under His ultimate control. Therefore, what do we have to fear? Hallelujah!


V1        We need to remind ourselves of just how extensive is the reign of the Lord. He controls the heavens and the galactic systems that stretch way beyond the visible reach of man. He has established a heavenly kingdom where angels do His bidding and where evil has been expelled and the enemies of God have no access. He created this earth and the sun and moon that serve it so efficiently. He watches over the comings and goings of mankind, and nothing happens that He does not observe, in so doing He makes His judgements about who must be acquitted and who will be held accountable for their actions. He sees the activities of the Satan and His demons, and His wrath is building against their affrontery and arrogance as they seek to destroy His creation. God sees the abuse of the poor and the defenceless, He watches the international slaughter of unborn children, He notes every murder, every rape and every wicked deed. The Lord sees it all and bides His time for at some point He will intervene. Enough will be enough!

Yet still He provides springtime and harvest, and He guides and protects the few who truly believe in Him. He pours His Spirit upon the righteous and He hedges them around so that they will not be harmed by evil. He is robed in majesty and one day every knee will bow before Him, and many will regret their rebellion and learn their fate at His hand. The ultimate truth is this - The Lord Reigns! No one and nothing can come against Him, those who try will suffer extinction and annihilation. 


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