Psalm 92:9

Psalm 92:9

Your enemies will perish

Who are the enemies of God? The answer to this question should be clear by now although it seems that the Psalms paint a picture of varying degrees of enmity! In one sense, we are all God’s enemies, we ignore Him, disobey Him and sadly, disbelieve Him, even those of us who call Him our Father. By His grace He forgives and chooses to overlook our foolishness and He has washed away our sins by the blood of His Son’s sacrifice. 

Then there is a vast swathe of people who supplant Yahweh as their God by with idols, religion and pagan worship. These people recognise that they need faith and that they must place that faith in a greater being, their problem is that they trust in gods who have been invented by men. They are the enemies of the true God. 

There are a number of categories of the enemies of God but surely the worst are those who vehemently deny His existence, who parade their ignorance as truth and who arrogantly pronounce every kind of falsehood to undermine the authority and power of the Lord. These are people who have no shame, who invent every kind of preposterous deception to lead the world astray and who violate every law and commandment of our God in the name of secular humanism and tolerance. Their evil does not see them locked away for their crimes, they are so much more subtle than that and thus they display all the characteristics of their employer and master, the father of lies. You can be sure that our Father knows them, and He knows their tactics and they will perish, and they will be scattered, as will their mentor. 


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