Psalm 92:8

Psalm 92:8

Forever exalted

The theme of the destruction of God’s enemies is constant throughout Scripture. He must triumph. He must be exalted. His kingdom must succeed and ultimately, bring about the annihilation of all His foes. If not, He would not be God!

The pronouncements against the sin of man and the deceptions of the devil began in the Garden of Eden. God showed His hand of righteous judgement at the Flood. He further revealed His anger with man’s arrogance at the Tower of Babel. His judgements were poured out on the Egyptians and then against the enemies of Israel on the wilderness journey to Canaan. The Israelites themselves suffered when they disobeyed and rebelled against the Lord once they had been established in the Promised Land, 10 of the tribes were lost after the incursions of the Assyrians and Babylonians. The pagan tribes of Canaan experienced the anger of God against their sin and their idolatry and later the Jews were to experience the withdrawal of God’s blessing and support when they rejected the Messiah in unbelief. 

It is important for us to understand that we cannot trifle with our God. He is exalted over all deities. He is not to be blasphemed, manipulated, goaded or undermined. He is Elohim Elyon, the Lord Most High and those who treat Him as anything less will face the consequences. And those who replace Him with any other deity, or any person or object will be called to account. Let us not underestimate who it is that we serve and let us remember that He is forever exalted. Hallelujah!


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