Psalm 92:13

Psalm 92:13

Planted in the Lord's house

We have deliberated on the choice of trees in verse 12; the fruitful palm with its strong root system and its ability to bend before the storms, and the mighty cedar that is equally robust and resistant to all threats, whose roots go down as far as its branches rise up. These arboreal pictures are used to describe the truly righteous, those who set themselves apart from wickedness and who also have strong roots and healthy branches and who can withstand all that is thrown at them. The Psalm continues to compare the righteous with the two trees and the comparisons are delightful. In verse 7, the wicked spring up like grass, grass that does not last, that is insignificant and easily troubled by drought and disease. Not so the righteous, for they are planted in a secure place, and they keep on growing, retaining their life and energy from childhood to old age. 

David famously wrote, in Psalm 23, about dwelling in the House of the Lord forever, that same sentiment is expressed here for the righteous are planted in the house of the Lord. This is a reference of course to the Temple, and it is in the courts of this Holy Place that those who love and obey the Lord will flourish. Thank God that we do not have to travel to a physical location to experience the privileges of such an existence, we are the Temple of the Lord, we are His dwelling place on earth. That is what makes us righteous but also that drives us to be more righteous as we grow in strength and character before Him.

So, just imagine yourself this day, a sturdy tree, planted in a garden that is the dwelling of the Lord God, a place where He walks and talks and where His powerful presence is constantly felt. The ground is fertile, a stream of living water flows continuously close by, and there is no disease and no life-threatening exposure to danger, for God is always present. That is who we are and where we are. Hallelujah!


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