Psalm 91:14-16

Psalm 91:14-16

Because he loves me

God’s promises are often unconditional and will certainly be kept! When the Lord speaks, His Word is permanent and cannot be broken. “Because He loves me,” says the Lord:-

1.     I will rescue him v14

2.     I will protect him v14

3.     I will answer him v15

4.     I will be with him in trouble v15

5.     I will deliver him and honour him v15

6.     I will satisfy him with long life v16

7.     I will show him my salvation v16

There are Seven certainties or guarantees here, spoken by the Lord and addressed to the one who loves Him. I’m sure that Yeshua took comfort from these words, but they are also written to us. In today’s verse He promises to answer our prayers, to stand with us in times of trouble, to deliver us from that trouble and then to honour us! The Hebrew here in verse 15 uses the “I AM” so that we are left in no doubt that it is the Lord God Himself who makes these pledges. I Am, I will be, He is! We are deliberately being told that the promises were not just for the times in which the writer lived, they are still the promises of the Lord God and they ever will be! For those who love Him, they will always be wholly true. That includes you and me folks! Hallelujah!


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