Psalm 91:9-10

Psalm 91:9-10

Make the Most High your dwelling

These two verses form one sentence and I’m not sure why they have been divided! We have already relished the undeniable fact that the Lord will cover us with His feathers and that we will find shelter under His wings. He is our refuge and our fortress, and we need not fear the enemy’s arrows or the terrors of the night. The Psalm promises that as the wicked meet their end and fall around us, the Lord will keep us and guard us from all danger. Verses 9-10 seem to summarise the theme of the Psalm thus far but with a couple of important little twists. Firstly, we must make the Lord our refuge and speak it out! It’s no good hoping He might guard us, He literally asks that we enter into His fortress and pull up the drawbridge and rest safely beneath His protective wings. This takes faith, for it is one thing to say that you believe He will protect you and another to throw yourself literally on His mercy. It requires that we let go, that we walk away from the battle into safety, that we trust Him implicitly with our protection and in so doing, we stop being anxious and afraid. And having done this we can say so!

The description of the Lord God as the Most High is important in the Hebrew Scriptures. He is ELOHIM ELYON which literally means that there is none higher or greater than He. This superior Being invites us to dwell with Him in complete safety and because of who He is, nothing can harm us. Our earthly tent is our life, our family, our occupation, our temporary dwelling place while here on this earth and the MOST HIGH guarantees that He will protect us if we dwell in Him! Hallelujah!


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