Psalm 91:4
Psalm 91:4
Under His wings
What a beautiful verse! The previous one has a fowler out on his business trapping wild birds. Here, by contrast, we have a large bird using its feathers to protect its young and covering them with the mighty span of its wings. For a visual analogy check out a mother swan with her young or watch a Videocam of an Osprey or Bird of Prey guarding young chicks. These larger birds completely cover the young beneath them; smaller mother birds do the same although they are often hidden away from prying eyes. We need to keep in mind here the enormity of our God and be aware that when His wings are outstretched, they can embrace the whole world. Sadly, there are many who defy His power and His protection and ridiculously prefer their own. Even worse are the godless who build massive armies and navies and air defences that threaten the security of millions because they have rejected the protection of the Creator God.
As we noted in verse 1, there is another way we can be “under His wings”. The Jewish Prayer Shawl or Tallit is placed over the shoulders and head and symbolically provides a reminder of the covering of the Lord. When the arms are raised, wings are created to remind wearers and watchers that God spreads His wings over His people.
This Psalm reveals that our God is faithful, He never stops looking after His children and He stands in the way of enemy bullets, arrows, spears, sword thrusts and any other hostile threat that heads our way. He is our Shield and He is also our rampart. A rampart is a protective barrier, much larger than a shield. The word usually describes the broad embankments underneath castles and fortresses upon which parapets are then built. Know this, you and I are guarded and watched over every second of our lives. If we trust in our God, no enemy can touch us, unless he allows it! Hallelujah!
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