Psalm 90:7

Psalm 90:7

Consumed by Your anger

To say that God was angry in the Garden of Eden would be understating it. He was furious, He was consumed with wrath and a few hundred years later that wrath was expressed in the Flood, when the entire population of the earth was wiped out and all humanity consigned to destruction. God was angry in Eden because Adam and Eve succumbed to evil so easily. He gave them heaven and they chose hell, or at least, Eve did. The enemy, in the form of a serpent, slithered easily into the divine relationship that had formed between the Lord God and His newly appointed representatives, and free will give way to free disobedience and straightaway the delights of the Garden were ruined beyond repair. Only Eve escaped with some small consolation, she would be saved through childbirth!

The wrath and justice of God are still being conveyed through the inevitability of death. No one escapes it and no one escapes Him. “We are consumed by Your anger and terrified by Your indignation.” Human beings have one shot at obeying God and one lifetime to show whose side they are on; in this life they are given endless opportunities to make peace with God and to acknowledge Him. He surrounds us all with goodness, with love and protection, His provision is endless, and His Garden of Delights still beckons those who will enter. But most pass by, their eyes are blind, their ears are stopped, and they give no time nor credit to the One who loves them. So, we will all die, our mortal lives will be extinguished, and we will be laid back in the ground, in the dust from whence we came. All of us that is, except the few who have received salvation through Jesus Christ, the one who turned away His Father’s anger.  



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