Psalm 90:17

Psalm 90:17

Establish the work of our hands for us

The word “favour” in this verse is sometimes translated pleasantness, some translators go further and substitute beauty. In other words, such is the purity, holiness, glory and splendour of our heavenly King that He shines as a dazzling star against the background of evil and darkness that surrounds us on earth. When we look at His holiness and see how lovely He is, unblemished and untouched by the pollution of sin, then we must be in awe of His perfection and His righteousness. David exclaims in Psalm 24:4, “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His Temple.”  May that glory rest upon us. May His purity shine from us. May His splendour be revealed to us. May we forever dwell in the beauty of His holiness.

Remember that this Psalm is composed by Moses at a time of crisis when he can only see despair and death around Him. Earlier in this composition he is certain that all life must die, all people must live under God’s wrath and be swept away like withered grass. We all count for nothing. However, things have changed, Moses is now more positive in outlook and so the Psalm ends with a plea, “Lord, as You are the only secure Being in the universe, will you make our efforts here on earth to have some kind of worth. Even though our lives are exceedingly short, may we be effective whilst we are here. Establish the works of our hands so that we count for something!” 

We can say, over 3,000 years later, “Moses! He heard you. Your time counted for a great deal. We are amazed by your resilience and your patient endeavours for your people. And Israel still prospers today, in the Land to which you led them. May we all tread the path that the Lord God has set for us and learn endurance but also be enthralled by His glory.” Hallelujah!


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