Psalm 90:16

Psalm 90:16

Deeds of splendour

It does us good sometimes to just stop and try to catalogue the righteous deeds of our God – the deeds of His splendour. I hardly know where to start, do you? 

Take Creation – the deeds of splendour in the created world are limitless and we don’t even know the half of it. 

Take God’s dealings with the patriarchs and the saints of old, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joshua, David and the rest, the deeds of splendour are timeless, although time barred some of them from realising this.

Take Israel. He provided for them in innumerable, miraculous ways and still does. God delivered them through mighty waters, from brutal slavery and overwhelming military threats. He kept His covenant promises and showed that He is faithful and trustworthy. 

Take the coming of Messiah. His miracles alone put any other human power into the shade of history and then there are the immense pronouncements of truth that came from His lips. There is the power of His death and resurrection and the pouring out of His Spirit from heaven. Enough to eclipse any human achievements throughout the ages of man.

Take the church, battered and bruised, tossed and trampled upon, but still managing to proclaim God’s glory and light in every country upon the earth right to this very day.

Take God’s Word, burned, torn, cursed and belittled, it has proved impossible to destroy this conveyor of light and its still provides new insights into the heart and character of our Lord and His purposes for mankind.

Let’s face it, this faith of our is founded upon mighty foundations that have proved to be unshakable from the beginning of time.  These deeds of splendour from our God have been revealed to us and we have a responsibility to see that our children experience them too. Hallelujah! 


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