Psalm 89:52

Psalm 89:52

Amen and Amen!

It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride hasn’t it, Psalm 89? And there is one more surprise from the pen of Ethan the Ezrahite, just when we thought he might give final vent to his frustrations, he does the opposite. He ends on a note of praise! He started by affirming that he would sing of the Lord’s great love forever and he ends in anticipation that the Lord will be praised - forever! We need to remember that these Psalms were publicly used and sung, the words were memorised and retained by countless generations and whenever Psalm 89 was put into the civic domain it was to end on a note of praise with loud “Amens!” Amen means certainly and truly. Whatever might happen, whatever might befall the future house of David, the Lord was to be praised – forever. 

As we have seen, Ethan had only a human grasp of events, deep down he knew that if God was in control there must be a plan. He had whinged and moaned and laid all of his complaints at heaven’s door but when all was said and done, the Lord God would prevail and His praises would continue to be on the lips of mortal men. We can learn from this can’t we? Thousands of years of human history have passed and most of them have been dominated by the Satan and his demons and the will of the Lord seems to have been thwarted at every turn. Men and women have come and gone, almost all living in obscurity and insignificance. However, the Lord’s will continues to unfold, His promises continue to be met and His prophetic Word continues to be fulfilled. Whatever may be happening to us now and in the future, He will be praised – forever and most certainly. Amen and Amen! 


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