Psalm 89:8

Psalm 89:8

Who is like Him?

The past week (July 2023) has seen the European Space Agency, in conjunction with NASA, launch a new camera and telescope, on a mission called Euclid, to explore the dark universe. I quote “Euclid will observe billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years to create the largest, most accurate 3D map of the Universe, with the third dimension representing time itself. This detailed chart of the shape, position and movement of galaxies will reveal how matter is distributed across immense distances and how the expansion of the Universe has evolved over cosmic history, enabling astronomers to infer the properties of dark energy and dark matter. This will help theorists to improve our understanding of the role of gravity and pin down the nature of these enigmatic entities.” 

This Psalm has prompted us to compare the Lord God with all other beings and to reflect on His power and authority in the heavens, so I guess Euclid may help with that! Who indeed is like the Lord God Almighty? If He can create billions of galaxies and hold them all together, He is mighty beyond our wildest imaginations. If He has complete authority over all spiritual and heavenly beings, He is indeed mighty. If He always has the first and the last word in all things, who can compare with Him? The great powers that serve Him and those who rebel against Him may far exceed our human abilities, but they too must bow before the Lord, for He is over all. 

And the one thing that we mere humans can rely on, is that this God is faithful. What He says, He will do. He far exceeds our understanding but what little we do understand, He will always honour. How is it, that someone so majestic give a fig about us? How can one so great be willing to sacrifice Himself for mere insects like us? Why would He even want to love us? But He does! Hallelujah!


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