Psalm 89:34

Psalm 89:34

His Word stands forever

There is an important principle here that deserves some further attention. We don’t know who Ethan the Ezrahite really was although, in the introduction to Psalm 88, we mused over the possibility that he was an important Levite, a son of Korah, and possibly a leader of the Temple Choir. He was certainly a godly man for he speaks here the words of God as a reflection of the Covenant that God had made with King David. Here in this verse we see again the eternal nature of the Lord’s dealings with men, that when He makes a promise and establishes a covenant with us, it cannot be broken. So, says the Lord, “I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered.”

We are able to check this out, with hindsight, and we can verify that David’s descendants have indeed inherited promises that will stand forever. The promises made to David were fulfilled through Christ Jesus and we are the beneficiaries to this very day and will continue to be blessed by the Covenant into eternity. Let’s never forget this, when God speaks, He never reneges on His promises. That is why His Word is so special and so unique, it has stood the test of human time, but it will stand forever. That is why our faith is built on firm foundations and why the chapters of our Bibles can be wholly depended upon against the backdrop of the changing values and principles of mankind. If only the whole church would believe this! 


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