Psalm 89:26

Psalm 89:26

"You are my Father!"

This is an extraordinary declaration of identity from a man who believed he knew God. It applies, of course, to David in his role as sovereign over Israel. What is extraordinary is that anyone could make such a claim and express it publicly, knowing that it was true. Yes, a mere mortal, a lad who was the shepherd of his human father’s sheep, could proclaim to the God who created the universe, “You are my Father!” In addition, David could say, “You are my God, You are the Rock, You are my Saviour.” Look how personal these statements are. How dare any one individual make such claims of a Being so powerful and so mighty, who far surpasses the ways of men, and whose glory and grandeur are beyond our wildest imaginations? Think about it, no other religion that has ever existed has allowed its devotees to make such claims. How can any human being speak of God in these terms? Notice that the word Rock is in capital letters, this goes back to some wonderful prophetic promises given to Joseph, in Genesis 49:24, pledging that the Lord God would always be Israel’s defender and fortress. Saviour too has capital letters, inferring that this God is the greatest Saviour of all, He is the One who saves all men. 

David’s esteemed descendant spoke these words too, of course. Yeshua declared constantly that God was His Father and He drove the Jewish religious leaders mad as He did so.  He was the embodiment of the Saviour, the One who revealed God’s grace and mercy to mankind, not just in words but by His sacrificial deeds. That is why you and I are embraced by this glorious declaration here in Psalm 89. We can cry with David, to this amazing God, “You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Saviour.” These claims are just as true for us, as they were when they were written. Take time today to try and understand a fragment of the immensity of this verse. 


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