Psalm 89:24

Psalm 89:24

Faithful love

It’s that same old pairing once again! Faithfulness and love are the hallmarks of a genuine relationship with the Lord God. He who made the heavens and who scattered the stars in space, who created atomic particles, DNA and elaborate ecosystems that make the world such a glorious and wonderful place; He is a God of love and faithfulness to those who know Him. As we saw in verse 14, unbelievers must contend with His righteousness and truth, but for those who are children in the family of our God, faithfulness and love will accompany us all of our days. Please grasp this, you are dearly loved, and our God will never fail you. Just as He watches over the creatures upon the earth, He watches over us. He is faithful, but He loves us as well. His love is sacrificial and intense, He revealed it in all its glory at the cross, to show us how dearly loved we are. Let us never underestimate the depth and sincerity of His love.

Most people in the world are striving to make something of their lives, they work to make a name for themselves, to climb just a bit higher than their contemporaries. The methods usually involve money and possessions, and many do not care if these are gains legally or not, the end result is what matters. In Bible terms their horn is exalted, they have become something, their lot is improved, their status is raised. How amazing to read this verse and to take this promise, that God gave to David, for ourselves. It is through His name that we will be exalted, not through our efforts or our ingenuity but because we bear His name. That is all that matters. Hallelujah! 


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