Psalm 89:20

Psalm 89:20

God's anointed

This verse links with the previous one and those that follow. Notice that God is very active in the process of appointing David as His regent over the people: -

·      I have bestowed strength on a warrior v19

·      I have raised up a young man from among the people v 19

·      I have found David my servant v20

·      I have anointed him with my sacred oil v20


The reason that this is worthy of our notice is because the Lord takes the credit for the appointment of the young king and He also wants us to know that He was involved in the whole process, from start to finish. It would be easy to read Samuel’s story and give him the credit for it all, however, Samuel’s role was to simply obey what the Lord told him to do. 

My point is this, that God does work through those whom He can trust and who will listen and carry out His commands but, we should never lose sight of the fact that many appointments only come about because the Lord wills them. I think that this may even happen in the secular world, it most certainly should happen in the life of the church. No man, or woman, should be exercising leadership in the church of Jesus Christ unless it is evident that this is God’s appointment. 


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