Psalm 89:19

Psalm 89:19

A man of God

The Psalm moves on to specifically describe the calling and sovereign leadership of David. God spoke to Samuel in a vision as recorded in I Samuel 16. It was the Lord who sent Samuel to Bethlehem, who pointed out that a son of Jesse would be the anointed one. It was the Lord who said to Samuel, when David was brought before him, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” V12. In 2 Samuel 7 we read the words of the prophet Nathan as given to him by God in a vision. Nathan’s prophecy included the instruction that David’s offspring would build a house for God, that David himself would be a great ruler and his kingdom would endure forever. This young man went on to fulfil the words spoken of him and he is still regarded as the greatest of all kings and we know, of course, that the eternal kingdom that was promised came through Yeshua, David’s descendant. 

The prophetic vision we have just discussed was given to the “faithful people” of God. The Hebrew word here for faithful ones is “Hasid” from which the orthodox or Hasidic Jews get their name. They believe that the Torah, the five books of Moses, is the literal word of God, and that carrying out this word is what gives meaning and purpose to life. This branch of Judaism had not been conceived when David was on earth, but it is worth noting that when God gives visions or makes prophetic declarations it is the faithful ones who hear and obey His words. Nothing has changed, may we hear His voice speaking today!


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