Psalm 89:18

Psalm 89:18

The Holy One of Israel

We are reminded here that whilst this Psalm could be viewed as a very personal description of God’s dealings with us, it was written primarily to describe Israel’s relationship with Him. This is a brief but very powerful account of God’s dealings with His people and particularly with the royal line. Central to the whole Psalm is the place held first by David, and then his successors. The fate of Israel lay in the hands of these God-appointed rulers, and they symbolised the spiritual state of the nation. It cannot be emphasized enough here, that the failure or success of the whole country lay in the hands of the appointed sovereign, if that person obeyed the Lord and sought His will for the people, they would prosper. If the king / queen was godless and rebellious, everyone suffered. That is why the long lists of kings in the book of second Chronicles describes their exploits with the addenda, “He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,” or “He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” Those two statements tell us everything we need to know about the reign of that particular sovereign.

When any leader blasphemes the name of the Lord, or ridicules His people or His laws; when any rulers believe themselves to be above God’s will and purpose and are driven by pride and corruption, they bring judgement on their whole nation. These men and women are the “shields” of their people and if they do not realise their responsibility is to the Lord, their rule will bring disaster upon their land. They belong to Him, power and authority belong to Him, their nation belongs to Him, they have no position in the world except He allows it! Whilst it could be argued that these principles had special relevance to Israel, history shows that it is incumbent on all rulers to recognise the God who gave them power in the first place. Hardly any do, that is why the world is in the mess it is in today. 


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