Psalm 89:17

Psalm 89:17

Exalted by God!

Yesterday’s verse presented us with the normal Christian life, those who believe in the Lord God and walk with Him are people of praise. All day long they rejoice in His name and celebrate His righteousness! I can think of a few believers who rarely, if ever, find joy in their walk with the Lord, can’t you? However, it’s not about others, this Psalm is asking how I measure up. Is my relationship with my God, so rich, so meaningful, so inspiring and so fulfilling that I just can’t stop praising Him. And if not, why not?

The theme continues here in verse 17, those who know and love the Lord are completely overwhelmed by His glory and His strength. They cannot stop being in awe of Him and their lips are constantly expressing the joy that His presence brings. Liberated from the cares of the world, convinced by faith of their unity with Him, amazed by His creative power, His love and faithfulness, such people are living the life in the certain knowledge that they are re-connected with the greatest being in the universe. What is there to be anxious about? What is there to be feared? Who can stand between them and their God? Where can they go and He is not beside them? What is life but an ongoing walk with this immense Being who loves to call us His children? If only my faith could grasp this and embrace it 100%, what a different person I might be!

The relationship works both ways, because this God is gracious and finds favour with us, our “horn is exalted.” This simply means that we can hold our heads up with confidence no matter who or what may attack us. We are safe! We are protected and guarded! We are strong! We are undefeated! We are exalted by our God over all of our enemies! Hallelujah! 


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