Psalm 89:16

Psalm 89:16

Rejoicing and celebrating - all day long!

This is such a simple statement and so obviously self-explanatory, what can we add? Well, like so many of the simple statements of the Bible there is a deeper truth to enjoy. We are being told that there are two ways to acknowledge the protective love and care of Almighty God. Firstly, we can rejoice in His name all day long, and secondly, we can celebrate His righteousness.

One of the main characteristics of a true believer is that they never stop praising the name of the Lord or the name of Jesus Christ. Their joy is infectious and exuberant, and it is always bubbling just beneath the surface waiting for expression. I first met this characteristic in the persona of a man who led my mother to believe in Christ. The man’s name was Dennis Brooks and he had a gentle joy that was permanent and even reflected in his face. He married late in life, to a lady called Gladys, from Gloucester, and my abiding memory as a young child was that whenever this couple was around, there was laughter and joy! It contrasted greatly with the serious, austere character of so many believers that I grew up with. Let us never be ashamed to praise the name of our God. Let us be filled with His joy. Let us have a reputation for being a people of praise. 

It's important to draw attention to the second half of this verse because it describes one of the sources of our joy. It is sin and defilement, hopelessness and despair, darkness and loneliness that bring depression and misery to so many people. If our lives are godless, there is nothing to celebrate. True believers celebrate God’s righteousness because in Him they are righteous! How lovely it is to be clean. How wonderful to not have a guilty conscience, to not be weighed down by the oppression of regret and unforgiveness. How liberating to be free, because our God has washed us and endowed us with His righteousness! Let us celebrate the purity of our Lord and wallow in the beauty of His holiness, that is the true source of wellbeing. Hallelujah! 


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