Psalm 89:15

Psalm 89:15

He is my God!

This verse kind of sums up the whole truth of the relationship between mankind and God. It highlights those who choose to acknowledge His Being, who name Him as their God and who live their lives in the light of this truth. As a consequence, they come under the shelter of His immense wings, and they are protected and guided and provided for throughout their lives. 

None of us has a full appreciation of who God is, how could we? He is beyond our wildest imaginations and yet we are vaguely aware that there is a Being who threw billions of galaxies into space and who also knows the intricate details of our DNA and the workings of every atomic particle in creation! This is the One whom we call God, and we are blessed simply by the knowledge of Him. But He takes it further, He revels in relationships, to find men and women who not only acknowledge His existence, His power and His authority, but who are prepared to acclaim Him. In other words, they are not ashamed to declare their allegiance and their faith, but they also openly praise and proclaim His name. Is this you and me? 

True blessing accompanies all who choose this path of faith for they walk in the light of His presence. For some reason this Almighty God loves to walk with us. He loves to commune with us. He takes huge delight in our company and in a relationship with us. So much so that He pours blessing after blessing upon us and lets us know how highly favoured we are. He shines His light on our earthly journey so that we are not blind to His will, and He listens with joy to our conversation as He accompanies us on the voyage of life. A voyage He has mapped out in advance. Wow! What a God! What a privilege to walk with Him and to call Him “Abba”. Enjoy Him today!



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