Psalm 89:12

Psalm 89:12

The north and the south

At first sight, these verses seem to be just a sweeping generalisation of the boundaries that the Lord has set for Himself and the extent of His property. However, as ever, there is a bit more to it than that! 

The north and the south refer to the northern and southern skies and all the visible (and invisible) constellations and stars. The term also embraces the earth, both the polar ice caps at either end and everything that falls in between. The Hebrew word for north here includes all that is dark and hidden, for the ancient peoples regarded the north as a place of gloom and darkness. By contrast, the south was bright, it housed the sun at its zenith and the south was light and warm. There is even some reference to the right hand in the original Hebrew words, in other words, all that the south encompassed displayed God’s glory and His power.

The Mountains of Hermon and Tabor are the two highest peaks in Israel, Hermon a vast snow-capped range in the north forming a boundary with modern day Syria and Lebanon. Tabor is in lower Galilee at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles west of the Sea of Galilee. It is a conical but beautiful mount standing alone at the end of a vast plain. These prominent forces on the landscape reveal the extent of the creative works of the Lord on earth, and they show us the way in which the objects of His handiwork respond to Him. Like the heavens above, they sing for joy at His name. How does a mountain sing for joy? By reflecting God’s stability, His grandeur, His unique power and by lifting up its head to the heavens. You see, you and I can sing for joy just be believing and reflecting Him!  


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