Psalm 89:11

Psalm 89:11

The earth is the Lords

This verse is about ownership. Here are the Title Deeds to be stored in the Cosmic Land Registry. Should anyone ask, “Who do the heavens belong to? And who is the correct legal owner of the earth?” The answer, very simply, is God! Elohim is wholly, completely entitled, there are no caveats and there can never be any legal claim on His ownership, which makes the Satan’s attempts to wrest control all the more ridiculous. That is why he uses subterfuge, violence, lies, coercion, imitation and substitution tactics over and over again, he has no legal means of challenging God’s title. In order to be a god, he can only emulate what God has already done.

Every human being across the world is constantly being asked to acknowledge who they accept as the rightful owner of the heavens and the earth. The clues are all there, in the creation processes, in the promised seedtime and harvest, in the unfolding beauty of the natural world, in the timely order of the orbits of the sun and moon and earth ….. the list is endless. The eternal power of God and His divine nature are stamped on all that has been made, you only have to stop and look, He has put labels on everything! That is why Paul says, in Romans 1:18-23, that what may be known about God is plain to see and therefore people are without excuse. Instead of accepting God’s ownership, most prefer to ignore it and to worship the things that He has made. They would rather believe a satanic lie than the truth that Elohim is God. 

Open your eyes today. Read the labels. Listen to His creation music. Open your arms wide and breathe in His air and feel the embrace of the Creator, the owner of the heavens and the earth. Then rejoice that you are included in His inheritance and that what belongs to Him is yours too. Think about it, true believers are co-owners. Hallelujah!




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