Psalm 89:10

Psalm 89:10

You crushed Rahab

Some Bible commentators (and those who write footnotes in the NIV Study Bible), think that Rahab was a mythical sea monster. Again, I am bemused by their reasoning that the Lord God would introduce mythical elements into His Holy Scriptures! As we saw in Psalm 87:4 Rahab (whose name means the proud one), is most likely Pharaoh and Egypt. These people were broken by the plagues that devasted them, their livestock and their land and especially by the deaths of their firstborn sons. They were further crushed by God at the Red Sea and their carcasses washed up on the shore, lifeless, crushed, bruised and broken. God did this with no assistance from men, He did it easily and He did it to demonstrate His power, and also to show the Israelites that He would protect and guard them. 

Rahab’s name gives us further clues as to what is going on here, for she is an analogy for the Satan. He too will be broken by God; his works will be destroyed, and his proud insolence will be terminated forever. Remember the words to the serpent, after the fall? “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel.” Genesis 3:15.

The world has seen many appearances of the “proud one” over the centuries. Pharaoh was one of these, Nimrod another. The Babylonians carried the baton for a while and so did the Greeks. The Romans were particularly arrogant and there have been others, we might even include the British! Revelation tells us that the proud beast will, one day, sit in the Temple of God as if he were God; he will blaspheme God’s name, God’s Holy Place and God’s people but he too will be crushed and scattered, never to be seen again. This God that we serve, will never allow His name to be abused forever and He will never stop protecting and guarding those He loves and who love Him. Hallelujah!


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