Psalm 89:6

Psalm 89:6

He is the greatest!

Since the beginning of time, mankind has sought either to find God to expose Him or to worship Him. By exposing Him, I mean that many seek to prove that He does not exist or, if He does, man is greater or at least equal to Him. To go on this quest blindly, through unbelief, has to be the most pointless waste of time ever, and yet many of the cleverest and most educated people in the world pursue this path. It started with the idolisation of His creation and to this very day many worship created things rather than the Creator. The quest moves on to build structures or to find ways that reach to the heavens in order to prove the greatness of man and the curious absence of God. Many of the scientific endeavours over the years have been led by men who do not believe in God and seek to prove that they are right in their unbelief! 

We take a different line. We see the sun and the moon and the stars and are transfixed by the power and the glory of the One who made them. Every new discovery in the natural world is a revelation of the Creator and we give Him praise. What an age of wonders we live in! We know that however great other heavenly beings might be, none of them can emulate God or perform the mighty acts that He can. All of them must bow in awe before Him, even those who oppose Him. The Satan and his followers will one day recognise the power and authority of this God and will be humbled before Him as their Judge. 

Sing a song to Him today, for there is none so glorious or great as our God. There is none who compares with Him. There is no heavenly being like him. Hallelujah!


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