Psalm 89:3-4

Psalm 89:3-4

The covenant with David

God loves covenants, He has been making them with men since the beginning of time. The first was in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1:27-30. Later in the same Bible book we read of covenants with Abraham and Noah. He made a massive covenant with Israel at Sinai and now we read that He also covenanted with David. A covenant is more than just a promise, it is a legally binding contract between two sides. Both are signatories and whilst the terms and conditions are contractual, God’s covenants are also very personal. It is expected that both sides will keep to their agreement although man has failed miserably in this, just as the Lord God has never wavered or reneged on any of His obligations.

The covenant with David is found in 2 Samuel 7:8-16 and it was made when David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem shortly after becoming King. The covenant includes the following commitments: -

·      I will make your name great

·      I will provide a place for my people Israel – a home of their own

·      Wicked people will not oppress Israel any more

·      I will give you rest from all your enemies

·      I will raise up offspring from you

·      I will establish your son’s kingdom

·      Your son will build a house for my Name

·      His kingdom will last forever

·      I will be his father and he will be my son

·      I will punish him when he does wrong

·      I will never remove my love from him

·      Your house and your kingdom will endure forever

·      Your throne will be stablished forever

We now know, of course, that this covenant was not only for David’s time and for Solomon’s reign, but it had a future fulfilment. The Son who would build a house was Yeshua. The kingdom that would last forever was founded on Him. He was punished by His Father for our wrongdoing, but His throne will never end. Hallelujah!



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