Psalm 89:2

Psalm 89:2

Loved forever!

Love, in human terms, can be a bit of a transitory thing. It can be deeply emotional and full of passion; it can also be a form of dependence that is not expressed by feelings but is never-the-less founded in affection. Our loves for our children, our pets, our jobs, our home and a thousand and one other things all vary according to their place in our lives and the kind of people that we are. The deepest form of human love is usually between husband and wife or bride and groom, and the Scriptures use these analogies to explain the quality and depth even of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Human love varies in intensity according to the changing moods of the giver ,which is why we cannot measure God’s love in human terms. His love never wavers in its strength, and it never changes in its duration, so that we can affirm with the psalmist that it stands firm forever. How wonderful to be loved like that, to know that someone loves us regardless of age, time and a thousand and one other variables. The only thing that changes is us and our ability to receive and explore the depths of God’s love. His plan is that we should grow under its constancy and be willing to share this love by declaration to anyone who will listen.

God’s faithfulness and His love are inseparable, as we have seen. But they are not qualities that are confined to earth, they are also expressed in heaven itself. Thus, angels know that they are loved and that God is faithful. The heavenly councils operate under a banner of love, they know only too well how much God loves them and us! Our ancestors who have left this world are experiencing God’s love and faithfulness and we too will be wrapped around by such godly attributes when we leave this world. How comforting to know, on our deathbeds, that the God we have believed in awaits us with arms of love and that He will always remain faithful! 


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