Psalm 88:2

Psalm 88:2

Turn your ear to my cry

There is little doubt that there have been many believers over the years, who have cried out to the Lord with no reassurance that their requests have been heard. In fact, this would be true of all of us. There are many prayers that have taken a lifetime to be answered, and many others that seem to be completely ignored! Presumably, this has something to do with the nature of the requests and the way in which our prayers match the purpose and plan of the Lord. Sometimes, our prayers can be very selfish and demanding with little thought as to how the Lord God will be able to respond. Too often we make an appeal based on our own limited understanding of a situation and it is impossible for the Lord to answer us on our terms. Having said all of the above, it is a sad believer who cannot recall any occasion when their prayer was answered, and who knows of no miraculous intervention from heaven. 

All prayer offered in good faith, from a heart of devotion is heard and it is heard by a merciful God who loves His people and delights to serve them. Remember, to be blessed by Him means to be served by Him! In the light of this it is troubling to think that when the Lord Jesus made His plaintive cries heavenwards, He was ignored! The doors and windows of God’s throne room were closed, and a deaf ear was turned to His pleas. He must suffer alone, as a man, as the vilest of unbelievers, for He bore the vilest of unbelievers’ sins. And that includes your sins and mine. His suffering took Him to a place where there was no hope, no help and no one listened! It was the loneliest place in the universe – ever!



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