Psalm 88:15

Psalm 88:15

A life of suffering

Heman the Ezrahite was certainly no stranger to affliction, this verse tells us that he had suffered since he was a young man. His whole adult life had been spent in a state of severe ill health, whether physical or mental we do not know. Obviously, Heman was a man of words, he was able to express himself and give an insight into the agonies and desolation that had been part of every day of his adult life. If we are fit and well and generally enjoy good health, it is easy to overlook the suffering of many disabled and seriously ill people, especially those who put on a brave face despite their inner anguish and longing to be fit and strong. 

As we have seen, Heman’s dark revelations give us an indication of the deepest woes suffered by the Lord Jesus. Isaiah describes Him as “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief ….. despised and held in low esteem.” The passage in Isaiah 53 goes on to say that “He took up our pain and suffering, and yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted.” In other words, people thought that Jesus was being punished by God for His own sins when in fact, He was being punished for ours! 

Although our Lord enjoyed a brief 3 years of popularity, His journey here on earth was one of pain and rejection. Throughout His 30 years in obscurity, He had learned the purpose of His coming, He had watched the foolishness of men and the rejection of His Father by the Jews. He had witnessed the brutal, iron stamp of the Roman Empire upon the world and the pagan hedonism of the emperors. Surrounding Him was cruelty and deprivation, arrogantly perpetrated by the wealthy rulers of the day. And all the time, He knew that His mission was to die, every day the grave beckoned Him and as the day of reckoning grew ever closer, He knew that He must bear it alone. 


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