Psalm 88:12

Psalm 88:12

The land of oblivion

This truly is one of the darkest and most grim of all the Psalms. The previous verse informed us that there is no love in Sheol or Hades, and that God’s faithfulness does not operate in that place of destruction. We are now given two more attributes of God that are withdrawn when a soul takes leave of this planet and enters the realm of darkness. None of God’s wonders are exhibited in that cursed place, memory has gone so that it is impossible to recall the glory of creation and the marvels of God in the physical world. It is also impossible to have any sense of the righteousness and justice of Almighty God. 

The Psalm writer calls this place, “the land of oblivion.” Memory decays here, sight is weak, past wonders are not remembered and the 5 senses are dulled and useless. It was a place that was greatly feared by the ancient peoples, and it should be feared today by those who have not received Christ and who know nothing of the love and mercy of our God. This Psalm should be enforced reading for those who conduct funeral services, for the liturgies quoted at such times promise so much for the departed and yet God’s Word says the very opposite. Those who do not know Christ face a very lonely and dismal future and a bleak eternity in the solitary misery beyond the grave. Death is to be dreaded if we are without Christ and yet many still adopt the attitude, “Let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”

What strikes me again and again is that Jesus knew about this Hades, He knew what lay before Him and He knew that His time there would be limited to just 3 days. Even so He feared the grave, “Father if it is possible, take this cup from me…..” He prayed. He became obedient to the forces of death and the demands of the grave and it seems He entered into the suffering that accompanies all who go there. What a man! What a God! What a salvation He offers to all, that we might be spared this eternal torture!


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