Psalm 88:11

Psalm 88:11

Love and faithfulness

God’s kindness, mercy and love are all bound together in one package! If you opt for one of these attributes, you will get them all. In addition, He adds His faithfulness, faithfulness that, according to Psalm 36:5, reaches to the skies. In other words, this planet has been constructed specifically so that these characteristics of Almighty, Creator God might be displayed. This creation abounds in His love, mercy and kindness, every living thing, every mountain, river and plain, every cloud and every heavenly object shouts of His faithfulness. Each new day is a gift from Him, His angels work tirelessly to watch over us, the seasons are ordered to produce the food we need, all creation works harmoniously so that we might enjoy our brief stay on this planet. And yet. And yet most people live out their petty lives with their eyes and ears closed to their Creator, preferring to believe that everything around them came about by accident or was provided by some “out or reach deity” proffered to them by God’s enemy, the devil.

Those who reject the Creator, who turn up their noses at His provision, who distain His laws and abuse His creation, they are destined to know what it means when all of this is withdrawn. They will go to a place where love, mercy and kindness are non-existent and where the faithful provision of God is no longer in evidence. It is a place that He does not visit, a prison that He never enters, a realm where nothing has been created, where disembodied spirits roam in empty misery, forever regretting their arrogance and foolishness for they failed to choose life when they had the opportunity. 


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